Gideon The Nightwalkers Book 2 Jacquelyn Frank 9780821780664 Books

Gideon The Nightwalkers Book 2 Jacquelyn Frank 9780821780664 Books
I've always had a soft spot for "brother's best friend" and doctors, so I picked up Gideon. I didn't precisely regret it, because Jacquelyn Frank at lukewarm is still better than many at sizzling, although sadly I'm not referring to the erotic components of this story, but I really can understand the reviewer who swore off her books after this one.Franks does improve, by the way, so that part isn't true. What is true is that there's quite a lot of explaining exposition and heavy-handed world-building. The pacing of the novel was unfortunately bogged down at parts when people felt compelled to talk to each other in minute detail about things that they really shouldn't have been having conversations about. Also, Legna and Gideon's relationship could have been fully explored and everything that was interesting about their joining (no, not that kind, get your mind out of the gutter) just wasn't gone into with sufficient detail.
For example, Legna is a Mind Demon, meaning she specializes in emotions (yes, yes duh) and Gideon is a Body Demon. Whereas it would have been very interesting for Franks to have more carefully explored the nuances of what that means in terms of their strengths and weaknesses, she glosses over it instead. I also thought that the usual cliches of her beauty waking him up after countless centuries of ennui was ...well...cliched and I found it a bit of a cheat that the reason Legna was so powerful was in part because of her taking on Gideon's power. All of that could have been further detailed, but instead way too much time/energy was spent on the more physical aspects of their union and the political stuff going on.
I got really tired of the repetitiveness of their squabbling, which seemed to be endless variants of the "you think I'm too young" and "I'm an old fart and I do how I please because I'm a bit of an alphahole". Which, kudos to Frank, and why I don't find her books wall-bangers, is that Legna does realize when she's being unreasonable and admits as such and Gideon does soften sufficiently. However, I did want them to move into meatier matters before the end of the book and that never quite happened. Distracted by the politics, as it were.
One reviewer says that the political stuff is what saved the story for her, but to be honest, I started resenting the political stuff because I wanted Legna and Gideon to move past the whole lust thing and the Imprinting and that whole "first few months of a relationship squabble" to move into what I thought would be more interesting conflicts and adjustments. I believe that this is an unfortunate side effect of the one relationship per book in a series setup, however, and not fully her fault. I think it would be interesting to read a series where all of these relationships were happening simultaneously and were deepening as things went on rather than being neatly bundled up at the end of a book.
The physical aspects of their union were ...well, my taste for the erotic has moved toward more blunt speaking and I'm no longer a fan of usual Nora Roberts style of intensive poetic/purple euphemisms so I kind of skimmed over everything in that vein. I think it would have better served the story if all the wordage used on describing sex in pretty terms was put towards advancing their relationship, but that's me.
I picked up Bound In Sin on the same day, so I guess we'll see how much she's improved since this book.
Did I buy this book? Yep. For $4.99. I would say that I would buy it again for something more like $2.99 if I were given the chance to go back in time. Drink of Me by Franks, however, despite being on KU, I will probably purchase at some point because I've read it twice already.
Will I re-read this book? I don't really think so. I don't think enough went on and the way they interacted just didn't do it for me. It's not even really comfort-read material.
Will I rec this book? I wouldn't stop anyone from buying it, but I don't think I'd push it on anyone either.
Will I buy more books from this author/next in the series? I actually have some of the books from later in the series already and came backwards to buy this. I'd say stick with her later books and you should be fine. I would buy more books from her, assuming my wallet can handle it, but she's not on my auto-buy list.

Tags : Gideon (The Nightwalkers, Book 2) [Jacquelyn Frank] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. When necromancers threaten to destroy his people, Gideon, a Demon healer, must fulfill his destiny in the arms of a woman who despises him--Magdalegna,Jacquelyn Frank,Gideon (The Nightwalkers, Book 2),Zebra,0821780662,Romance - Fantasy,Romance - Paranormal - General,AMERICAN LIGHT ROMANTIC FICTION,AMERICAN SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY,FICTION Romance Fantasy,FICTION Romance Paranormal General,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction Romance Paranormal,Fiction-Romance,General Adult,MASS MARKET,Monograph Series, any,Romance,Romance - Paranormal,RomanceGeneral,United States
Gideon The Nightwalkers Book 2 Jacquelyn Frank 9780821780664 Books Reviews
I really like this author's writing style. She's very creative. I would've liked to have seen more action but the build up to the battle and battle here was very well done. Both Jacob and Gideon have proven to be very good stories. The main critique I'd give is that the internal dialogue is sometimes too much; too long. I found myself having to go back to the last question or statement to find out what was said to understand the answer. Also, she was just a little predictable at the end. I won't spoil it. I do like all of the characters. Gideon, The Ancient and Legna are a good match. She really knows how to write ROMANCE. I'm no where near an emotional being but some of the dialogue between Gideon and Magdelena had me clutching my heart and re-reading those parts. Phenomenal. I like how she introduces or sets up the next book. I'm looking forward to reading about Elijah.
Others have gone into more detail. I'll keep my review short too verbose when it didn't need to be, lead to a lot of skimming praragraphs & it's unfortunate because I didn't do that with the first book. And when you take a chapter to describe turning a doorknob (I exaggerate), those pages could have gone into more interaction between the couple. I liked the premise (basically opposites attract) but I lost steam because it was so wordy.
Maybe this could move to 3 stars after I read the rest of the series, but by itself, this book is definitely 2 stars for me.
I needed to review this book because it was sooooo slow. Nothing literally happened for the first 200 pages. Sure, Gideon and Legna finally get together after 8 years of Gideon holding himself aloof, but frankly, I felt no chemistry between them and all they did was taaaaalk, talk talk talk talk. At one point, I was thinking, man, if I were Gideon I'd have to go take a walk. I get that Legna is an empath and she's all emotional, but come on! If I wanted a Lifetime Movie I would read contemporary romance. I want some action, people!
Ironically, I really liked Legna and GIdeon in the first book and it was clear that there was something brewing between them and I was interested to hear their story. So the author did that well in the first book introducing them. The execution was a little painful though. I felt the book FINALLY picked up about 2/3rds of the way in, after they went on a mission to save one of their own. But up until then, it was nearly a DNF for me. SO very close. The only reason I kept going was because I have a spinoff book that I have to read for NetGalley.
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the series - I just hate how the series focuses too much on the touch-feely part of the relationship. Legna just kept digging at him, digging at him and finally Gideon says - this is who I've always been, you can't change me. I was like "YES!" You tell her Gideon! The number one mistake women of the ages have made is trying to change a man once she has him. Blech. But of course, it's a sappy romance so Legna gets her way. I skimmed SO many pages of dialogue and it was still just way too much.
Oh well - on to the next book. Again, I liked the intro of Elijah and Siena, I just hope the execution of the relationship is better than this book. I liked Legna and Gideon way more as secondary characters.
I've always had a soft spot for "brother's best friend" and doctors, so I picked up Gideon. I didn't precisely regret it, because Jacquelyn Frank at lukewarm is still better than many at sizzling, although sadly I'm not referring to the erotic components of this story, but I really can understand the reviewer who swore off her books after this one.
Franks does improve, by the way, so that part isn't true. What is true is that there's quite a lot of explaining exposition and heavy-handed world-building. The pacing of the novel was unfortunately bogged down at parts when people felt compelled to talk to each other in minute detail about things that they really shouldn't have been having conversations about. Also, Legna and Gideon's relationship could have been fully explored and everything that was interesting about their joining (no, not that kind, get your mind out of the gutter) just wasn't gone into with sufficient detail.
For example, Legna is a Mind Demon, meaning she specializes in emotions (yes, yes duh) and Gideon is a Body Demon. Whereas it would have been very interesting for Franks to have more carefully explored the nuances of what that means in terms of their strengths and weaknesses, she glosses over it instead. I also thought that the usual cliches of her beauty waking him up after countless centuries of ennui was ...well...cliched and I found it a bit of a cheat that the reason Legna was so powerful was in part because of her taking on Gideon's power. All of that could have been further detailed, but instead way too much time/energy was spent on the more physical aspects of their union and the political stuff going on.
I got really tired of the repetitiveness of their squabbling, which seemed to be endless variants of the "you think I'm too young" and "I'm an old fart and I do how I please because I'm a bit of an alphahole". Which, kudos to Frank, and why I don't find her books wall-bangers, is that Legna does realize when she's being unreasonable and admits as such and Gideon does soften sufficiently. However, I did want them to move into meatier matters before the end of the book and that never quite happened. Distracted by the politics, as it were.
One reviewer says that the political stuff is what saved the story for her, but to be honest, I started resenting the political stuff because I wanted Legna and Gideon to move past the whole lust thing and the Imprinting and that whole "first few months of a relationship squabble" to move into what I thought would be more interesting conflicts and adjustments. I believe that this is an unfortunate side effect of the one relationship per book in a series setup, however, and not fully her fault. I think it would be interesting to read a series where all of these relationships were happening simultaneously and were deepening as things went on rather than being neatly bundled up at the end of a book.
The physical aspects of their union were ...well, my taste for the erotic has moved toward more blunt speaking and I'm no longer a fan of usual Nora Roberts style of intensive poetic/purple euphemisms so I kind of skimmed over everything in that vein. I think it would have better served the story if all the wordage used on describing sex in pretty terms was put towards advancing their relationship, but that's me.
I picked up Bound In Sin on the same day, so I guess we'll see how much she's improved since this book.
Did I buy this book? Yep. For $4.99. I would say that I would buy it again for something more like $2.99 if I were given the chance to go back in time. Drink of Me by Franks, however, despite being on KU, I will probably purchase at some point because I've read it twice already.
Will I re-read this book? I don't really think so. I don't think enough went on and the way they interacted just didn't do it for me. It's not even really comfort-read material.
Will I rec this book? I wouldn't stop anyone from buying it, but I don't think I'd push it on anyone either.
Will I buy more books from this author/next in the series? I actually have some of the books from later in the series already and came backwards to buy this. I'd say stick with her later books and you should be fine. I would buy more books from her, assuming my wallet can handle it, but she's not on my auto-buy list.

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